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Episode #47 - Why and how data can make your business grow feat. Megan Thompson
Meg runs a data training and consultancy called Lore to help humanise the use of data in marketing and make it accessible for everyone to use effectively. In this episode, Meg and I chat about all things data and how...
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Episode #44 - Be more confident in your business feat. Laura Artero
Laura is an expert in helping people over come their inner obstacles, helping anyone who wants to become more self-confident without feeling held back by their self-doubts.
In this episode, Laura takes us through...
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Episode #46 - Everything you need to know about branding feat. Leoni Darcy
Leoni helps business owners who are big-picture thinkers/wanting to take their businesses to the next level and build their brand on solid and strategic foundations. (And what that basically means is working on their...
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Episode #45 - The process of launching your own book feat. Vicki Weinberg
Vicki is a product creation expert who founded Tiny Chipmunk, a bamboo baby brand, when her second child was just 6 weeks old. She launched and grew the brand to 5 figures and has written a book to help anyone...
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Episode #43 - The importance of the follow up and your sales funnel after ads feat. Katie Colella
Katie is a multi-award winning business mentor & Meta ads and business strategist who helps women in business get from where they are to where they want to be, by filling in their tech and marketing gaps, helping...
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Episode #42 - What frustrates me most about inaccessible social content: Louise Plunkett’s story
Lou is a mum of 2, married over 20 years and a digital accessibility & inclusion educator, helping businesses to understand accessibility and improve their reach online. In this episode, she shares her story of...
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Episode #41 - 3 actions you need to do TODAY to bring on your next sale feat. Enfys Maloney
Enfys is passionate about helping service-based business owners make more sales, more often. Whether you run an established business or are in the early stages of building your business there is so much Enfys can help...
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Episode #40 - The ultimate way to grow your email list using ads feat. Claire Shelley
Claire Shelley is an epic Facebook and Instagram Ads Specialist who works with coaches, course creators and service-based businesses, helping them to consistently attract clients and scale their businesses, using the...
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Episode #39 - Grow your business using a sales funnel feat. Marianna Carlini
In this episode, Marianna takes us through the exact steps to creating a sales funnel and the biggest reason to build a marketing funnel and use a system. We also give you the systems we recommend and use to get you...
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Episode #38 - Launching, growing and monetising your podcast feat. Adam Schaeuble
In this episode, Adam and I go into detail about using a podcast to build your brand and your business. Adam gives you tips on launching your podcast, growing your podcast and then of course monetising your podcast....
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Episode #37 - What it actually takes to build a successful business through social media feat Sarah Birchall
In this episode, I have the incredibly successful Sarah Birchall from Cub and Pudding come on to tell us how she has built her online clothing brand through social media. She tells us what she did - some real nuggets...
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Episode #36 - An inspiration to niche down and focus on your ideal client feat Anne Thomas
In this episode, Anne tells all when it comes to niching down. She talks real facts about what her business was like before to what it is now. The truth around an unsuccessful business to what is now a very...
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