Podcast #30 - Sharing your story to build up trust with Rachel Maunder

In this months episode I am with Rachel Maunder who is an incredible Story Coach who helps small business owners and business professionals to bring out and share their stories. It is so important to share your story to really build up trust and the likeability factor with your audience. Rachel talks us through a couple of the reasons we may not be sharing our story... 1. No story worth sharing 2. Fear of Judgement These are two of the things I struggle with when sharing my story and I KNOW if you struggle with these thoughts too, listen to this episode. It's absolute gold! Rachel also has an incredible free series called 'Your Story Matters Series' so definitely check that out as it covers these five worries us business owners have sharing our stories! 1. No story worth sharing 2. Fear of Judgement 3. Not wanting to implicate anyone 4. How much to share 5. My story is too boring You can find Rachel at all these places: www.rachelmaunder.com www.facebook.com/rachelmaunderstorycoach Rachel Maunder on LinkedIn or email her directly at [email protected]

50% Complete

Two Step

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